Monday, March 30, 2015

What a relief!

3rd Grade
Relief Weavings

Third grade students explored the element of Form to create Relief weavings. 

Beginnings: Students began gluing the WARP first.

They first glued a grid onto a support background and then used construction paper- bending, folding and gluing as they went to turn their weavings in to a 3 dimensional work of art. 

Once the WARP was complete they added the WEFT.
(WARP= Vertical fibers/WEFT= Horizontal fibers)

 Once the initial weaving was completed many students added additional decorative elements into the warp and weft of their weavings to create added interest.

Relief:  (in sculpture) any work in which the figures project from a supporting background, usually a plane surface.

Form: (in sculpture) an element of art used to describe a three dimensional work of art- length, width, height.

Display in front hallway