Tuesday, March 31, 2020


Guided Drawing...Rocket Ships!

So I went live a week or so ago on IG (@the_artroom_at_fes) and did a tutorial on how to draw rocket ships. Some of my kiddos may have missed it and so, as promised I wanted to recreate a little something like it so all of them could check it out. 
Here you go!

Friday, March 13, 2020

Will You Accept the Challenge?

21 Day Drawing Challenge....

Hello Farmingville Community. Today at school I started to put together a worksheet for a 21 day drawing challenge. I finished it from home this afternoon and am so excited to be able to share it with you here. 

Here's how it works: Each day you draw the prompt for the day you are on from the sheet. You don't need any fancy supplies...a pencil or a pen and a piece of paper...that's it! 
Image result for sketchbpok and pencil
I am going to try to follow along too and will be sure to post mine on instagram @the_artroom_at_fes. 
Feel free to bring your drawings in and share them with me when we return to school. 

Parents...this isn't just for kids...in case you were thinking of that in you head.