Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Welcome to our Art Room 2017-2018!

 I am just so excited for our Farmingville artists to get working this year. We are off to a fantastic start and have already talked about how Farmingville C.A.R.E.S. in the art room AND gotten our hands a little dirty too!

Yes we painted on the very first day!

We painted on the very first day...everyone had such a great time. Students have been asked to  "DRESS FOR MESS" on art days. The students know what this means...basically they should try not to wear their newest, nicest, favorite outfit on art days. 

As you walk through the hallways you will see out "community murals" that we made at the end of last year for the very purpose of welcoming everyone back for the new school year. Farmingville artists had soooo much fun creating them, If you are visiting please look for the black bulletin boards to spot some!