πHearts Across Ridgefield
Mrs. Penney would like to share information on a community project we are doing across the 6 elementary schools. Participation is optional. If your child or entire family would like to participate in it please read on:
πWe are calling it Hearts across Ridgefield
πWe are joining communities across the nation to share our own messages of hope, unity & kindness.
πYou can create one heart or a bunch.
πYou can make your hearts out of different materials. To hear Mrs. Penney talk about it and see some examples click here.
πYou can put them in your windows or on your door but if your home can’t be seen from the street maybe consider putting them on a mailbox or in a tree.
πImages of the hearts can be taken with your child's chromebook and put directly on out Farmingville πHearts Across Ridgefield PADLET.
πFor instructions on how to add your photo and use PADLET click here.
πStudents can also access these links in thier google classrooms under Classwork/Other Resources.
Have Fun!