Wednesday, December 20, 2017

1st Grade Fall Landscapes

In their art class, 1st graders learned about landscapes and how to use a horizon line in their artwork to create a sense of depth and space.We also looked at the artwork of textile designer and illustrator Eloise Renouf for inspiration. 
To create their fall landscapes, students first created a painted paper background using cool colors. Farmingville artists also created other painted papers to be used as shapes for their trees later on.
Students traced and cut out shapes for their trees and used printing not painting to create branches.

 They then collaged their tree shapes and grass using overlapping…added some more printing for trunks and ta-da...fantastic collaged landscapes!

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

New in the ART ROOM!

Imagination Station
There is a new feature in the art room this year that our FES artists are really sinking their teeth into...
Imagination Station!

Our Imagination Station is an  area for students to go and work when they have finished their artwork and others are still working. They can choose from a variety of activities...

For art related research or Art Games.
Assorted Paper:
To draw out ideas and free draw!
Drawing Books & Origami:
In the drawers and on the shelves.
Table Sized White Boards:
To use separately or together on the floor or a table.
Expo Markers:
For our awesome table sized white boards.

Many of the classes have been introduced to it and so far it’s a hit!

I will be adding and switching out different activities over the course of the year to keep it fresh...the kids are loving it so far!