Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Embossed Foil Flowers

4th grade artist study...
While Georgia O'Keeffe created artwork with many different subjects, she was most well known for her paintings of flowers close up. Our 4th graders looked closely at the artists’ work and created artwork inspired by O’Keefe’s sometimes subtle and sometimes bold use of color using a foil paper embossing technique.

First Students chose a flower from a selection of photos Mrs. Penney had in the art room. They then drew them on cardboard and carefully glued yarn to each line.

Using foil paper they spread glue on the surface and gently pressed and smoothed it to reveal the yarn underneath...

then covered with black tempera and burnished most of it away.

The last step was to add color with sharpie markers.

Here are just a few examples of our finished work...

Visiting Artist 2017!

3rd Grade
Artist in Residence...
This year our Farmingville artists received a visit from artist
Chris Shore from the
Center for Contemporary in Norwalk, Ct.

Each 3rd grade class came to the art room for a 60 minute workshop where they used printmaking to create multiple works of art using the gelli print process

Students utilized primary colors and different textures to create one of a kind monoprints.
This amazing work will be on display at our art show on May 25th in our makers space.

A HUGE thank you goes out to our amazing PTA for funding this experience!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Fresh & Fruity!

1st Grade Still Life
Farmingville's First Grade artists have been studying the “Still Life” as a subject matter. Our artist's looked closely at a variety of still life works of art and compared them to other types of subject matter.
To begin their art exploration they created a still life painting of apples on a plate. They then each created a mini still life out of clay utilizing hand building methods such as pinch, pull & coil.
With attention to technique in the medium and proportion of the subject each student created a bowl of strawberries, blueberries & whipped cream!!!

Still life
An artwork showing an arrangement of objects that cannot move on their own, such as fruit or flowers. Typically the arrangement is set up by the artist.