Monday, May 11, 2015

In their art class the 2nd graders have been working with CLAY!

2nd Grade
Coil Pots

Our talented art students have learned about the stages and processes the clay goes through....

Student attaching coils
Student smoothing the inside
of their pot for support.

Bisque fired student work.

...from greenware (dried unfired clay) to bisque (fired once-see picture on right) and in this case glazing (fired a second time with glaze on it). To create the clay pieces you see here, students used two “hand-building” techniques- “slab” and “coil”. First students rolled a slab (a flat piece of clay) then rolled “coils” (snake like thin pieces of clay). They then wrapped then around, spiraled and “beaded” them to build these “coil pots”.

Friday, May 8, 2015

A trip to the Katonah Museum of Art...

 Farmingville's 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade classes took a ride to Katonah, NY to view the Katonah Museum of Arts current exhibitions:

Chris Larson: The Katonah Relocation Project
In the Sculpture Garden and Beitzel Gallery
March 29 – June 28, 2015
A Home for Art: Edward Larrabee Barnes and the KMA 
In the Righter Gallery
March 29 – June 28, 2015

 Accompanied by their classroom teachers and Mrs. Penney, docents guided students through the current exhibits featuring multi-media artist Chris Larson and Architect Edward Larrabee Barnes.

KMA Facade
To scale recreation inspired by Barnes' home, created by Chris Larson. Students actually were able to go inside it!
Chris Larson's Installation....Is the wall the floor or the floor the wall?

One of the artists' favorite angle
of the installation....
Yet another angle.
Where does this hallway go?

Part of their experience was making use of the museums studio space where art students were asked....Do you think  like an artist or an architect? Students then used tape and recycled materials to create a "space".

Find out more about these exhibits and the museum at: