Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Featuring....Kindergarten Line Sculptures!

Line Sculptures
In Mrs. Penney’s art class the Kindergarten students learned the elements of Shape and Line in Art.
One of the results of this in depth study is the line sculptures you see here. Students created different kinds of lines using a straight and 2D medium (paper) and made it three dimensional by folding, bending, curling and crimping. They then used glue to secure their curved, straight, wavy, zig zag and many, many different kinds of lines in their sculptures.

Students folded the ends, giving their paper "feet" and then looped, folded, crimped and rolled....

How many kinds of LINES can you see?


Friday, December 5, 2014

Community Snowflakes...Update!

"Holiday parking rules are now in effect in Ridgefield's village, and art students at Farmingville School have provided seasonally decorated burlap covers to put over two and three-hour parking signs in areas where the time limits are suspended".
- Ridgefield Press, December 4, 2014, page 10C. 

So here they are.... a few pictures I took in town of the sign covers we embellished. These were taken in the municipal lot off of Main Street. More can be viewed in the CVS parking lot and the lot near Balducci's.